Tips, Tricks & Everything HubSpot

Introducing the CLEAN timeline module (plus Kevin’s life story)

Written by Miriam-Rose LeDuc | October 20, 2021

2022 is around the corner, and what better way to ring in the new year than with a fresh CLEAN feature?

Today you’ll learn how the new timeline module can help you map out your company’s processes or events with style (and we know you got style - you got CLEAN!). 

So let’s strut down the timeline runway, shall we? I’ll show you how it works.

To add a timeline module to your web page, head to your page editor, search under modules for Timeline and use the drag-and-drop feature to bring it over to the page.

You’ll see two types of content in the new module: Year Bubbles (the visual milestones) and Events (the small landmarks along the way).

You can name these bubbles and events anything you want. If I want to summarize a timeline of Kevin’s life story, for example, I might start with something like this:

(Did you know Kevin used to be a DJ? Wild, right??)

Alright, let’s stay on target.

For a balanced design, you can stagger your events on either side of the line. And, as you can see in the example, you can add images too! Fancy.

Last but not least, you can customize your colors and typography to your heart’s desire. Go nuts.

And BOOM! Now you’ve got the chops to go add a timeline module to your own website. And got some fun facts in the process. :)

Want to see the live action demo?  Check out the video below.