Tips, Tricks & Everything HubSpot

9 Web Design Trends You Can't Ignore in 2024

Written by Miriam-Rose LeDuc | February 21, 2024

Are you ready for 2024's competitive online space? Building a website that looks amazing and converts like crazy can be challenging, but we’ve got you covered. Our popular website theme, Clean Pro, just got a massive makeover, so we've saved you the trouble of researching all the latest in web design.



Discover tangible examples of these emerging site elements:

  1.  Rounded Corners
  2. Animation Overlays and Image Layering
  3. Big Screen Backgrounds
  4. Slant Features and Asymmetric Page Layouts
  5. Animated Gradients
  6. Glassmorphism
  7. AI Customer Service and Chat
  8. AI-crafted Images
  9. Price  Comparisons

And finally, the ultimate hack you need to stay up-to-date.

Want to see how these trends play out on REAL websites that are crushing it? 👇


1. Rounded Corners

Lesslie makes ample use of rounded corners in this example.


The softened edges give their design a more modern, approachable aesthetic.  Hmm, I feel right at home on this home page.


2. Animation Overlays and Image Layering

Advata’s layered images create a cool 3D look.  See how some graphics are behind and some in front of the smart-looking lady?  


It’s subtle but super fun and dynamic.


3. Big Screen Backgrounds

Max knows how to make their audience feel like the star of the show.  Their full-screen video background creates an immersive experience and helps website visitors feel as if they’re the ones jamming on stage.  Rock on!



4. Slant Features and Asymmetric Page Layouts

Want people to buy from you? Don’t be boring!  Koo keeps things interesting with their slant layout. 


By breaking up the traditional grid layout, they’re enticing website visitors to scroll down and reveal the rest of the page.


5. Animated Gradients

Not trying to brag, but we’ve got a rad gradient thing going on this Clean Pro template page.  It’s not just a gradient.  It’s a gradient that moves!




6. Glassmorphism

TeleIn mastered this cutting-edge effect in their hero section.  The translucent text box creates the illusion of frosted glass, and the underlying video background produces a sense of depth and draws the viewer in.


Also, their website is just frickin’ sweet.  Teleportation?  We live in the future.


7. AI Customer Service and Chat

Even the hottest website in the world won’t help you sell if it delivers a bad experience.   

Thanks to modern technology, you don’t have to choose between sleeping and offering your customers 24-7 world-class service.

Chatbots have been around for a while, but now they’re more powerful than ever and can help deliver a personalized brand experience for your customers. is one (for lack of a better word) AWESOME example of an AI-powered chatbot to try.


8. AI Crafted Images

Speaking of which, AI-generated images are popping up everywhere like zombies in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Look out, there’s another one!




Thankfully, we’re not in a zombie apocalypse, but it’s pretty cool to see what AI allows us to bring to life.  This zombie pic was made with GPT-4 if you want to give it a spin.

Our imaginations are the only limit.


9. Price Comparisons

I bet there’s one question you’re likely to ask before making a big purchase decision:

“How much does it cost?”



Your customers would ask the same of you.

Whether you use a comparison table like our pals at Collabra or an online calculator (like this example from Chronotek), don’t overlook the impact of public pricing.  Transparency creates trust, and trust means business.


The Ultimate Hack You Need to Stay Up-to-Date

Phew!  That’s a lot to keep up with.  How can you stay on top of the constant changes?

If you want to build a premium website with all these trends right out of the box, run, don’t walk to get the Clean Pro theme for HubSpot.

Don’t just take our word for it.  Clean Pro has helped over 2,000 people like you launch beautiful, functional websites, and if it’s the right fit, we’d love to help you, too.

But no matter what, life’s too short to leave your business dreams to chance.  So, start getting inspired, pick a theme, and get building!  You got this.